Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Parent and Leader Training Event

Pow Wow - University of Scouting

Pow Wow is the premier parent and leader training provided by our very own Western Los Angeles County Council.  It's A day of fun-filled, action-packed, hands-on, supplemental training sessions for adult leaders and parents to help us better deliver a Fun and Exciting program to our youth. Most sessions are 50 minutes. A few are longer and are shown on the course schedule. No prior signup for each class is required. Simply attend the 6 you want on the day of training.

$20.00 includes a full day of training, lunch, and a commemorative souvenir embroidered patch (The pack will reimburse you for admission).  On-Line registration closes at 5:00pm, Wednesday, January 17, 2018. 

$30.00 at the door on the day of the event.

HAT Outing Leader Course is an ALL DAY course and is an additional $10.00

For the latest information on WLACC-VHC Pow Wow / University of Scouting, follow us on Facebook@: WLACC-Powwow

A preliminary class list and registration information can be found in this flyer 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

"Wine and Hor D'Oeuvre" Reception for Scouting

Attention Scout Parents

The Las Colinas District, Pack 777's district, will be hosting a free "Wine and Hor D'Oeuvre" Reception for Scouting. This event is next Tuesday, October 24th from 6:00 - 9:00 pm in Calabasas and is free to attend. This is a parent only event.
If you would like to attend please respond ASAP to our District Executive, Jim Garrett at All he needs is name and number of people.
In addition to the wine and hor D'Oeuvres there will also be a silent auction with items including (but are not limited to): signed memorabilia from the hit TV series "The Walking Dead", an autographed guitar from Alice Cooper, an autographed Jersey from a Heisman Trophy winner (but whoooo!! Come and find out), a glorious-looking opportunity to bid on a time share experience by Playa Vista, a variety of Camp Experiences (Emerald Bay), as well as many more!
Also present will be our Council Camping Team's own Jonathan Williams, who's Virtual Reality company will have tours of Camp properties, as well as whatever other cool stuff he's got programmed.
This will be a great opportunity to meet with other scout packs as well as our local scouting leadership.
Please consider attending if you are able to. Again, this is a free, parent only event.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Cyber Chip

cub scout cyber chip

Long gone are the days of the "be home before the sun goes down" kind of parenting that a lot of us grew up with.  Unfortunately however, the more kids are inside, the more inclined they are to engage in some kind of online, electronic activity.  Being the parents of boys of Cub Scout age (1st - 5th graders), we have seen news reports about cyber bullying, online security, location services on devices, geotagging of photos and social networking predators.  It would be nice to think these topics won't impact our youth, but we need to be proactive and realize that we are in the thick of it!

Crazy fact - did you know that over 5 MILLION Facebook users are actually kids under the age of 10 even though the age limit to even have an account is 13?

If you have a son, you've likely heard of.... Minecraft.  I know my boys absolutely LOVE watching YouTube videos that have to do with Minecraft and their other favorite video games.  However, if you think, for a second, they should watch these unsupervised, you're in for a shock.  A great deal of the content in these videos is highly inappropriate. Trust me on this one!

More and more children have iPads, iPhones, tablets, Ipods and more and more access than ever to a whole worldwide web that is not the most friendly to the eyes, heart and especially to the spirit and character of our children.

With the electronic world aimed against us, how can parents teach our children internet safety principles?  

In partnership with NetSmartz®, the Boy Scouts of America developed the Cyber Chip program. Along the same lines of how the Whittling Chip is designed to teach the boys pocketknife safety, the Cyber Chip is designed to teach them internet safety. There are BSA Cyber Chip requirements for boys in grades 1-3grades 4-5 so your Cub Scouts are covered!  In fact, there are programs available from grades 1 - 12!  Even if your children aren’t in Cub Scouts, you can still take advantage of NetSmartz’s awesome programming.

Each Cyber Chip level covers topics such as cyber bullying, cell phone use, texting, blogging, gaming and identity theft. To earn the Cyber Chip, Cub Scouts sign an Internet Safety Pledge, watch an age-appropriate online video and share what they’ve learned with their den or den leader. Older boys complete additional activities.

The Cyber Chip is required for all cub scout ranks.
The Cyber Chip expires annually. Our boys can “recharge” the chip by returning to the NetSmartz® website to learn more information.

It is definitely hard to navigate these waters, but we have a responsibility to keep our kids safe and we can only do that by first educating ourselves. By encouraging our kids to participate in programs like the Cyber Chip, we are taking steps to ensure they are equipped with the tools to keep them and their friends and siblings safe.

Cyber safety -- it's all of our jobs!  It’s never too early to begin talking about it with your boys. Start your conversation today and help them earn this awesome temporary patch that can be worn with their uniform -- the Cyber Chip!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

New Parent Orientation Night and Parent Information Guide

The new Pack 777 Parent Information Guide is available now by clicking HERE or by clicking on the link located under "Scouting Links" on the menu to the left.  This is an excellent resource for new and returning parents.  We encourage you to download your copy today!

We welcome and encourage all new families to come to the Pack Meeting on October 10th because we will be covering a great deal of this information and answering questions that anyone may have! 

Bring your questions!

Parents, please make plans to join us for an informal but important Parent Information and Orientation meeting Tuesday, October 10 from 6:30-7:30 pm at the West Valley Christian Church. 

If you have printed your New Parent Orientation Guide, please bring that with you to follow along or download it to your device and go paperless.