Sunday, February 19, 2017

BALOO Training

Parents, we are in need of more BALOO trained adults in our Pack.  

Why?  Great question! I'm glad you asked.  You see, aa Pack we not allowed to camp-out anywhere other than at a Council or District sponsored event UNLESS we have at LEAST one BALOO trained adult. 

As a Pack, we would like to have a minimum of two BALOO trained adults on every Pack camp out because if there is only one.... and that person has to leave... the campout has to be over.  It's not allowed to continue per BSA rules.  The more BALOO trained adults we have in our Pack, the better off everyone is!

But have no fear.... there is an upcoming training on March 4th provided by no other than our illustrious District Training Committee.  Click here for the flyer from our District.

This training is at the wonderful camp Josepho in Pacific Palisades. The BALOO training starts at 7:30 am sharp on Saturday morning.  If that's too early for you they are also offering a second class, Out Door Leader Skills for  Webelos Leaders starting on Friday night.  Those who what to addend both classes can camp Friday night and be right there ready to go Saturday morning at no additional cost. 

WHAT:  BALOO & OLW Training
WHERE:  CAMP JOSEPHO, 3000 Rustic Canyon Road, Pacific Palisades 
WHEN:  Friday March 3rd from 6:00 pm Through Saturday, March 4th at 8:00 pm (or come Saturday Morning no later than 7:30 am)
WHY:  Because our camping program DEPENDS ON YOU!

COST:  $35 per person (Includes breakfast, lunch & dinner on Saturday, except no breakfast for Saturday morning arrivals. Eat before or bring your own dinner on Friday night.)

Ready to sign up?  Awesome click here and register online.  Once you complete the course, you get a handy dandy business sized card that signifies you are indeed a BALOO trained adult.  Please take a copy of it (picture from your phone is just fine) and send it to Ray to update our Pack database.  

This is one way that you can help our pack. It will make a big difference to the boys' program and it only takes one day.  After all, we do it ALL for them!  Please consider attending the training.

Ray and Flynn are planning to attend this training.  Let us know if you can join them and get your BALOO certification.

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