

I know what you might be saying… another fundraiser… ugh! We understand your apprehension, but consider the following regarding the importance of our fundraising efforts. Did you know that only a portion of your annual dues goes to the pack? The pack is responsible for purchasing all awards, and supplies for the meetings?  The pack also funds the camp outs (minus food for now), training, equipment for the pinewood derby, the blue and gold banquet, and many many more events.   Where does the money necessary to fund our program each year come from? The answer --- popcorn fundraising.  

Ultimately, our goal would be to raise enough money for the Pack through popcorn sales that we wouldn't have to charge registration fees AT ALL for any boys next year, cover all camping fees, meals, special events and make the program truly for everyone!  We want to continue to be able to provide each boy with their neckerchief at no additional cost to parents (it's worked into registration fees).  We would love to throw in t-shirts or maybe even pay for all of our scouts to go to day camp!  We would love to have this literally FUND our entire program for next year!   AND WE CAN -- WITH YOUR HELP!

If we can really get our boys out there to commit to sales and tackle at least 2 blocks each -- I know we can make this entire program a success!  We just have to give it some effort and TRY!  Can you do it? We know that you can and we are providing even more opportunities this year for your scout to show up at show and sell events and get credit. 


Show & Sell Events:
We setup product display in high traffic areas for scouts sell to customers entering/exiting businesses. This method reportedly provides the highest sales per hour of any scout fundraising activity.  EVERY SCOUT is expected to work at least 1 Show & Sell date.  You can sign up HERE.  These dollars WILL go toward your scout's final selling total to be applied toward the scholarship potential and prize incentives.  

Take Order: Your scout collects orders from family, friends, and neighbors using the traditional forms in the popcorn sales flyer.  We are asking for a $250 sales goal for each Scout through ONLINE, TAKE ORDER and SHOW & SELL. If we can reach this goal we earn an additional 4% commission on all sales!

Online Orders:  Your family can set up an online account for orders from family near and far!  These totals will count toward your son's total sales. You can register here for online sales.

Watch these AMAZING tips from this accomplished young seller!

Along with our Pack's sales tips:  
  • Never go out alone.  Always have adult supervision when you sell.
  • Never go in a stranger's home.  Not even for an iota of a nanosecond.
  • Know your product and be prepared to discuss YOUR favorite.
  • Accept "no" with a smile and still wish them a good day.
  • Remember checks are made payable to BSA Pack 777.
  • Popcorn will be delivered around the 3rd week of November.
  • Learn alternate ways to deal with an objection.
  • ALWAYS wear your uniform.  Your FULL field uniform! 


  • Sept 5:  Take order starts -- Checks should be made payable to PACK 1910 and payment should be collected at the point of sale.
  • Sep 10: Show & Sell starts
  • Oct 24: All order forms and payments are due 
  • Nov 18:  Popcorn will be picked up by the Unit.  More details will follow on how to pick up your individual orders for delivery.

Tap an unreached resource now -- your social media world!  Your friends, family and loved ones that are afar now can now order Trail's End Popcorn and have the sales count toward your totals.  What a great way for Uncle Joe in Minnesota to help scouting here local in Los Angeles!  Click HERE to learn how to go online and set up your scout's online account RIGHT NOW and start getting the support for Cub Scouts all over the web! Check out this FLYER.

The scouts will receive prizes for their total sales from Trails End.  The prize sheet is included with the order sheets. 

Frankly -- why not find another way to help let someone ELSE pay for your son to go to college! That's right!  Sell at least $2,500 in popcorn and he is locked in for life to get a percentage of his sales into his scholarship account.  Read more here.


Q:  How is the money used from this fundraiser?
A:  100% of the Pack proceeds funds our annual program.  This enables us to provide fun and interesting activities and opportunities for our boys.
  • Pack Events like the Pinewood Derby (track maintenance, software, cars, awards), rain gutter regatta, and water rockets.
  • Recognition awards: adventure loops, patches, pins, trophies
  • Special Events such as the Blue & Gold Banquet, our annual operation Christmas child event, and many fees associated with our family camp outs

Q: What is the breakdown of each popcorn Sale?    
A: 73% or more is allocated to local Scouting!  No other fundraising program can boast that!
  • 30% or less goes back to Trail’s End (the manufacturer)
  • Of the 73% that goes to Scouting, a minimum of 30% goes back to Pack 777.
  • We also receive % BONUSES from the Council for meeting and exceeding our sales goals!
Q:  Is my popcorn purchase tax deductible?
A: According to IRS Publication 526, “If you receive a benefit as a result of making a contribution to a qualified organization, you can deduct only the amount of your contribution that is more than the value of the benefit you receive." If you purchase popcorn from a scout in Pack 777, you can deduct the amount above and beyond the actual value of the popcorn.  Since 73% of every sale goes back into Scouting, you can deduct 73% of your total popcorn purchases.   Military Donations of popcorn are 100% deductible.  

Q: Why should my Scout participate in selling?   Why not  just write a check? 
A:  It's all in the math. As a pack, we make more money per scout selling popcorn than we could make charging a fee.  Writing a check may be easy but it doesn’t add much substance to your Scout’s experience if they are not involved in this endeavor as a Scout is supposed to help pay his own way and be Thrifty.  Additionally, not all families are able to contribute several hundred dollars above and beyond their annual dues to sufficiently meet our projected budget every year.  This fundraiser “Helps the Pack Go,” and working together makes it rewarding, fair, and fun.  

This annual fundraiser does more than just make money for the Pack!  The sale is designed to give your Scout unique opportunities to put into practice the Scout Promise, the Scout Law, and the character skills they are learning.  These opportunities benefit not only him, but the Pack as a whole.  This fundraiser is an integral part of our Scouting program, and it takes all of us to make it a success!  

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